A vehicle identification number (VIN) is a standardized 17 character identifier that specifically identifies your vehicle. Each VIN is unique. They are alpha numeric but do not include the letters “O”, “Q”, or “I” to avoid any confusion. If you have a car that was built prior to 1981, the VIN will be between 11-17 characters.
Most vehicles have multiple places where the VIN number is located. Here are some of the common places to look to locate the VIN:
- On the door frame or post of the front driver’s door
- On the dash near the windshield on the driver’s side
- On the machine pad in front of the engine
- On the vehicles firewall
- In the left hand inner wheel arch
- On the steering wheel/steering column
- On the radiator support bracket
- On the vehicle’s title, registration, guarantee maintenance book
- Under the dash
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